"I believe in a small government that protects individual rights and fulfills the essential functions of government"

My name is Patricia Mueller. I grew up in the suburbs of the Twin Cities. After graduating from Tartan High School in 1999, I went to Winona State University to become a teacher. In 2003 I graduated with my degree in English Education and then married my husband, Dan, in March of 2004.
For the past 18 years, my husband and I have worked in classrooms all around the world including Twin Cities, Blooming Prairie, MN, Indianapolis, IN, Austin, MN, and China. In 2018, I graduated from Minnesota State University Moorhead with a Master in Curriculum and Instruction with an emphasis in Literacy. In 2022, I graduated with a Doctorate in Education Leadership. Currently, I am living and working in Austin, MN while my husband is in the process of becoming an ordained pastor in the Free Methodist church.

I consider myself a constitutional conservative with some libertarian leanings. I believe in a small government that protects individual rights and fulfills the essential functions of government. The government has an appropriate sphere. There are several detrimental effects on communities and families when the government becomes too big and too overbearing through excessive taxes and regulations.
District 23B is so unique because we are home to farmers and factory workers who are the backbone of our country. And we are home to people from all over the world who have come here for opportunity.
I often tell people the only promise I will make is that I will fight and vote for you to have an environment of freedom. I want you to have the freedom to run your small business and farm the way you see fit. I want you to have the freedom to choose the health care or education or transportation that makes sense for your family. I want you to have the freedom to worship how you please. Most importantly, I will remember that it is not my money but yours. This is why I want to stop corruption and fraud in the government and make local governments have the authority to lead and govern in a way that fits each community.
It has been an honor to be your voice these past two years. I want to continue to be your servant leader and represent you in St. Paul. Thank you for your support and for your vote.